A lot of products and services are designed for lots of people. Constant Mentor isn’t.
We’ll have a long relationship if you believe what we believe:
- A failure to work hard to fulfil your potential is a failure to live a life that matters. It’s about trying, not talking.
- Leadership in life and business has to be different. Audacious. Doing things because they are popular and corporate best practice is snoozeworthy. It also means everyone does the same. Weird.
- Learning is everything. Seriously. If you’re not continually learning then you may as well go home.
- Cognitive science is a powerful tool when combined with the audacity of action. Stop over-intellectualizing and start over-doing.
- The most valuable resource in this age of information overload is the ability to give & receive attention.
- Better leadership in life and business leads to more autonomy & entrepreneurialism. This is just a good thing.
Are you ready to join us?