Bella’s daily experience of her ConstantMentor service:
Tailored Development
From completing our goal setting & achievement assessment tool, a programme has been customised for Bella. This is a mix of the areas of effectiveness she wants to emphasise, and those areas of weakness she needs to address. Each week she knows what effectiveness area interventions she will be receiving that week.
She has already uploaded the goals or projects she wants to achieve, and by when – both work related and personal.
Goal Setting & Execution
Bella starts her day with her 8am check-in text, reminding her of her short, medium and longterm goals and priorities to ensure she is planning to focus in the right areas today.
SMS & Email Intervention
Bella then starts each day’s learning with a simple text half an hour later to set her thinking differently: an intervention priming her to shift a perspective, or give her a new perspective on an aspect of this week’s area of effectiveness.
Just before lunch a short, immediately consumable email arrives which builds on the messaging from the earlier text and gives her the insight/ intervention she needs to change an aspect of today’s area of effectiveness.
Latest Theory Implemented
Mid-afternoon she receives an email in her weekly ‘trending’ slot. This summarizes the key takeaways and actions from recently released business books or articles around a key popular ‘trending’ subject. Occasionally, reminders are sent to her of key business tools and frameworks utilising cognitive science to improve her effectiveness.
Improvement Automation
At 6.30pm Bella receives her consolidation text to reiterate and confirm the day’s learning: an intervention consolidating her shift in perspective/new perspective on an aspect of this week’s area of effectiveness. Earlier in the day she received her spaced learning reminder of an intervention from the previous month. This consolidates her learning from that time.
Improvement Analytics
Towards the end of her day at 7pm Bella gets her checkout text, chasing her to ensure she’s focused on only her short, medium and long-term business growth goals and priorities today. Quarterly she re-completes an Audacious Leadership skills assessment to measure her improvement.
Bespoke Support Service
On her way home, Bella realises she has a question about how to implement one of the day’s learnings in her business. She fires off a quick email to her Ask Scarlet short support service, knowing that she should have a response by the morning.